Project X (Project name, with caps as appropriate) - ?maybe include project tagline - Improving respiratory care of the world's poorest through research collaborations

What is Project X?

Introductory paragraph(s) about the project:

-First sentence/paragraph should be a brief description of the project. e.g The Global Health Respiratory Network (GHRN) is a...

-Second sentence/paragraph should outline IPCRG's role on the project.


Vision of Project X

Add text for vision - if available


Aims or objectives of Project X

Outline key aim(s)




Addtional information - copied across from the old site.

Note: Do not use references embedded in text e.g. (1) [1] or 1

Instead, references should be added in the same way as they are for the DTHs (i.e. using tagged content - which means deveeloping a set of tags for the different projects.)


Include links to related external website (if available)


Project outputs

Perhaps this can sit in the main contect bit? 

Related IPCRG webpages