The GHRN is open to new members
25 Feb 2025

The Global Health Respiratory Network was set up in 2019 by UK-funded global health respiratory research teams as a meta-collaboration to advance progress on the UN sustainable development goals, identify synergies between partners and undertake foundational work for future programmes. It continues to build networks, share experience and offer mutual support. An up-to-date list of publications by the network is available here. Newly-funded groups with a respiratory group are welcome to join the network, which:
- Enables discussion of logistical and implementation challenges and insights that can be solved collectively by peers and/or shared with funders
- Reaches out to early and mid career researchers with a respiratory interest to enable them to engage with experienced researchers
- Runs a journal club to cater for the needs of early and mid career researchers
To find out more about joining, please neil [at] ipcrg [dot] org (subject: GHRN%20new%20member) (contact us).