Our growing global Sentinel Network and your chance to become part of it

16 Dec 2021

The IPCRG created its global Sentinel Network of front-line primary care clinicians in 2020 in response to calls from colleagues for help in responding to the fast moving COVID-19 pandemic. They were seeing people with questions which were not being answered by the emerging evidence, it being  focused more on managing people with COVID-19 needing hospital care. The network’s questions resulted in our iQ&A service that has now published a large library of primary care focused evidence based answers.



As we have continued to grow and work with more of the IPCRG Sentinel Network we have seen that the questions being asked are helping to provide an early warning system about what is happening in primary care. This is an exciting development and we see the Sentinel Network playing an increasingly important role in informing IPCRG.

We continue to welcome individuals working in primary care and from all countries to apply to join.This is an opportunity to highlight the priorities you see in respiratory practice, raise unanswered questions, and report any new or concerning developments.

There is a simple form to complete and we will respond quickly to confirm your membership and find out more about you. We will contact members once or twice a month to give you the opportunity to share what you are experiencing and respond to what we are hearing from your other network members.

You can also let us know your ideas about how we can strengthen the network by contacting us neil [at] ipcrg [dot] org (subject: Sentinel%20Network) (here).