Meet our members - Spain

IPCRG now has 37 full membership countries and it is our aim through our country groups to make a difference locally through sharing ideas globally. This new feature of meet the member we think will strengthen the bonds in our network and provide inspiration for each other. Each country arose from different origins and has a different structure. Through these interviews we can understand what each country wants to achieve and how they plan to do it.
Today we meet ’Spain GRAP’ and we hear from Miguel Roman, Family Doctor in Mallorca and Mar Martínez, Family Doctor in Bilbao. GRAP Spain is an established group and they will explain in this interview how and why GRAP got started, how they moved to having more multi-professional colleagues, how attitudes to primary care have changed over the years and how to 'get a seat at the right table’ and influence policy and guidelines.They will provide good advice to any new groups and they also welcome everyone to Malaga in May 2022 and share the expected highlights of that meeting.