11th IPCRG World Conference: Thank You For Attending
IPCRG were delighted to welcome over 450 participants, in person, for the 11th IPCRG World Conference held in Malaga from the 5-7 May with over 300 attending virtually. This was the first time we had met in person since the start of the global pandemic & we were delighted to have attendance from over 30 countries. Everyone who attended in person was very excited to be there and we thank all participants for creating a tremendously positive atmosphere at the conference, from start to finish.
We were pleased to be joined by a strong virtual audience who were able to watch, listen, and participate, in many sessions which were broadcast in either English or Spanish. Also online, was our ePoster Showcase containing over 160 abstracts & it was inspiring to read about the excellent work happening on a global basis.
IPCRG are grateful to our speakers and faculty who generously gave their time to further build the skills, knowledge and expertise of the global primary care respiratory community. The conference has evaluated very well and we were delighted to witness the programme, covering the breadth of primary care respiratory medicine, so meticulously built by the Scientific Programme Committee, being so well received. We tried some new things, e.g. the Conversation Cafes & ePoster discussions and with some minor improvements, these will remain part of future IPCRG World Conferences. Hybrid conferences are complicated, and we will continue to learn lessons in terms of how we get it right for the in person and online audiences going forward. If you haven’t had a chance to give feedback, please do so here if you attended in-person or here if you attended online.
We like to recognise the 2022 IPCRG Award-Winning Abstracts which are, in no particular order:
Short-acting β2-agonists & Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Europe & Canada, Christer Janson, Sweden
Trends in Asthma Incidence in Children: A UK Population-based Cohort Study, Constantinos Kallis, UK
La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica en Internet: Modelo mental expresado por los pacientes, Laura Roldán, Spain
IPCRG would like to pay tribute our sponsors and exhibitors for their financial support: our Gold Sponsors: Boehringer-Ingelheim, GSK & AstraZeneca and our Bronze Sponsors: Faes Farma, Medikro, CAIRE Diagnostics, Teva, Lothar MedTec, AstraZeneca Spain, Vitalograph, Cipla Europe. IPCRG also worked closely with the Global Allergy & Airways Patient Platform and Lovexair Foundation, and we thank them for their collaborations.
If you registered for the conference, all conference materials can be accessed online for the next three months. If you haven’t registered, there is still the option to do so, to access the amazing content. You can register here.
To access the other materials:
Virtual Conference - all sessions broadcast live in English, English interpreted into Spanish, Spanish, Spanish interpreted into English - are still available (sign in with the email address you used to register for the conference and request for your activation link to be sent).
Whether you joined us in person or online, or are still to view the sessions, we hope you gained new thinking & perspectives that will help our ambition to continue to improve the care of our respiratory patients.