Desktop Helper No. 3 - Improving the life of people with COPD by integrating a supportive and palliative approach from diagnosis to end of life
This 4-page IPCRG Desktop Helper discusses improving the life of people with COPD by integrating a supportive and palliative approach from diagnosis to end of life.
The Desktop Helper includes sections titled:
- Impact of COPD
- Including the preferences of the person with COPD in their long-term care
- Learning about community resources
- Actively managing symptoms including breathlessness
- Role of primary care team
- Role of carers and family
- Advance care planning and end of life care
- Dying
Authors: Barbara Yawn, Matteo Mannucci, Seneth Samaranayake and Siân Williams; Contributor: Anna Spathis
Reviewers: Nicholas Glasgow, Steve Holmes, Katherine Irene Pettus; Editor: Tracey Lonergan
Funding: Funded by IPCRG
Date published: latest version April 2022