Latin America Teach the Teacher Asthma Right Care - Tier 2 Brazil

Between April and May 2022, the Tier 2 Brazilian workshop was held. The program involved multidisciplinary health team professionals from 3 different regions of the country (Southeast, South and Northeast).
In total, twenty trainers participated in the Tier 2 program, including family physicians, pulmonologists, pharmacists, nurses, physiotherapists, and dentists. The trainers were divided into 4 working groups, each one under the supervision of a Tier 1 tutor.
The total workload of the workshop was divided into two virtual meetings, with an immersion period between the blocks. During this period, virtual meetings were held for each working group, supervised by its facilitator, to discuss actions and develop a continuing education plan. The groups' proposals were presented at the second meeting and from there the programmme has resulted in a unique project including a curriculum for extending sustainable and scalable education to the primary care frontline of health practitioners working with asthma.