Confidence in Asthma Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Following our highly rated Spring series of respiratory health webinars for global primary care, we are launching two new occasional series about primary respiratory care during COVID-19 that will run over the next six months: Confidence In and Complexity In. We are starting with Confidence In Asthma Management on 28 November 2020, where four of our experienced primary care network will give short updates, allowing plenty of time for questions and interaction with the audience. If you were not able to join any of our first series of webinars, please follow this link for past recordings.
The Learning Outcomes for our Confidence in Asthma Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic webinar are as follows: At the end of the webinar participants will be able to recognise the key elements of high quality asthma care in primary care during the pandemic, in order to later analyze, evaluate and take measures to improve the organisation of asthma care in their own contexts.
Specifically, the participants will be able to:
- Use the preferable, pandemic adjusted methods for diagnosis of asthma and management of an acute exacerbation of asthma;
- Pay attention to prioritised tasks of asthma care during the pandemic, including good communication with patients and deciding who should be offered review first
- Identify and manage the specific needs and benefits of interprofessional asthma care due to the pandemic, through examples from the social movement ‘Asthma Right Care’.
Webinar 1: Series 2 - Saturday 28 November 1200-1410hrs GMT
Programme: Confidence in Asthma Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic:
IPCRG also has frequently updated resources on many aspects of COVID-19. These can be accessed by following this link. There are a wide variety of resources including:
- Expert Recommendations for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Infections in Primary Care (First Edition)
- Handbook on COVID-19 Infection, Prevention and Control in Communities: Compiled and published by the Bureau of Disease Prevention and Control of National Health Commission of People’s Republic of China