The RECHARGE-IPCRG Teach the Teacher Programme: Building capacity for pulmonary rehabilitation in low- and middle-income countries.

05 May 2022
Clinical Research Results Abstract Research Idea Abstract Service Development & Evaluation Abstract Chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) are some of the most common causes of ill health globally. The WHO Rehabilitation 2030 initiative highlights the importance of strengthening health systems to provide rehabilitation. Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is a low cost, high impact intervention that addresses the disability associated with lung disease.1 Although supported by a well-established evidence base, access is limited in low-and-middle-income countries.2 Furthermore, there is little workforce training to support delivery.This paper reports a collaboration between the NIHR-funded Global RECHARGE group and the IPCRG. The RECHARGE project 3 proposes to reduce the disability associated with CRDs and works with partners in India (Pune and Delhi), Sri Lanka, Kyrgyzstan and Uganda. We report on a work package designed to build sustainable local capacity in PR teaching and delivery, which will be accompanied by partner-led service development abstracts at IPCRG2022. The IPCRGs ‘Teach the Teacher’© (TtT) is an established education programme designed to build sustainable local capacity in clinical teaching and delivery. It combines educational and service development concepts with core clinical content (BTS fundamentals of PR course 4) and has been adapted for RECHARGE. Due to the pandemic, the programme was rapidly further adapted to a digital environment. Fifteen participants from five project partners attended a sixteen-hour online programme. The programme culminated in participants presenting proposals for service developments which address specific features of local healthcare systemsincluding cultural adaptations.The TtT programme provided a clear education and service development framework to support PR capacity development. A whole system perspective allowed consideration of health systems, culture, referral pathways and scalability. Participants developed feasible proposals for PR services adapted to local context and demonstrated leadership to engage/ influence multiple stakeholders. Declaration of Interest This paper reports on a collaboration between the NIHR-funded Global RECHARGE group (NIHR funding reference: 17/63/20) and the IPCRG. The TtT project relates to work package 3 of the NIHR- funded Global RECHARGE reference: 17/63/20. References and Clinical Trial Registry Information Holland AE, et al. Defining Modern PR. An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2021 May;18(5):e12-e29. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202102-146ST. PMID: 33929307; PMCID: PMC8086532.Singh SJ, et al Exercise and PR for people with chronic lung disease in LMICs: challenges and opportunities. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(19)30364-9. Epub 2019 Oct 16. PMID: 31629670.Orme, M. W.,et al (2020). Global RECHARGE: Establishing a standard international data set for PR in low- and middle-income countries. CE, et al BTS guideline on PR in adults: accredited by NICE Thorax 2013;68:ii1-ii30.

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Respiratory topics
  • Rehabilitation
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Malaga 2022
Juliet McDonnell, IPCRG