Spirometry network at the primary health care level in Kyrgyzstan: first experience, lessons and prospects

01 May 2022
Spirometry network at the primary health care level in Kyrgyzstan: first experience, lessons and prospects. Sooronbaev T.M.¹, Abdraeva A.K.¹, Muratbekova A.M.¹, Aidaralieva Sh.¹, Jim Stout², Thierry Rochat³, Jean-Marie Tschopp³.¹-Primary Care Respiratory Group in Kyrgyzstan, NCCIM, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan²-University of Washington, Seattle, USA³-Spirometry Project KGZ IME, University of Geneva, Switzerland Objective. To create a system for early diagnosis and early management of patients with COPD and other chronic respiratory diseases at the primary health care level in Kyrgyzstan with using the experience of the FRESH AIR study.Methodology and organization. In the first stage we created 17 spirometry teams (family doctor and nurse technician) on the basis of the Family Medicine Centers (FMC) in Bishkek and different rural regions. In order to coordinate the activities of the network, training, quality control and data collection, we have created a Lung Function Testing Center (LFTC) in Bishkek. Important preparatory activities also included: training for family doctors and nurses, creating a referral system and raising awareness among the population, especially smokers, to be motivated to do spirometry.First results and experience. For 9 months of 2019, the Lung Function Function Testing Center from the FMC in Bishkek collected the results of spirometry from 2241 people who considered themselves healthy, and 58% of them were smokers. According to the results of spirometry, we confirmed: in 12.5% ​​of COPD grade I, in 15.6% of COPD grade II, in 6.2% and 3.0% of COPD grade III and IV, respectively.3647 spirometry results were received from rural FMCs from people who also considered themselves healthy, and 62% were smokers. Noteworthy that the analysis of the results found the following: we confirmed in 14% COPD grade I, in 22% COPD grade II, in 4.6% and 4.0% COPD grade III and IV, respectively. It should be noted that the results of the interpretation of family doctors from spirometry teams (FMCs) and specialists of the LFTC were basically the same. It is also important that feedback was established through the online Internet program WhatsApp and all newly diagnosed COPD patients were taken into registries in the FMCs and early management was started.Conclusion The first model of the spirometry network at the primary health care level in Kyrgyzstan has demonstrated its effectiveness and prospects for creating a system for early diagnosis of COPD. Implementation Science/Service Development Research Ideas on Respiratory Conditions and Tobacco Dependency Abstract Declaration of Interest References and Clinical Trial Registry Information

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Dublin 2021
Talant Sooronbaev