Training respiratory professionals to manage mood: the TANDEM (Tailored intervention for ANxiety and DEpression Management) trial in COPD

01 May 2022
Aim Depression and anxiety are common co-morbidities in COPD and significant factors in the poor uptake and retention of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR). Addressing mood prior to attendance at PR has the potential to manage these co-morbidities, whilst also having a synergistic effect with PR, further improving both physical and psychological well-being. However, the current workforce will need to be trained to deliver such an intervention. The TANDEM study examined whether respiratory health care professionals (RHCPs) can be trained in a cognitive behavioural approach (CBA) to manage mood, and if so, whether this is feasible to implement. Method We developed a 3 day training programme (conducted over 6 weeks) for RHCPs in CBA. RHCPs were required to apply for the position of TANDEM facilitator through submission of a curriculum vitae. Applicants were interviewed by senior members of the team and invited to complete training if pre-requisite standards were met. At the end of training all trainees underwent a video assessment of CBA utilising role-play with a professional actor. Video recordings were coded by two independent coders using the Cognitive First Aid Rating Scale (CFARS). Only participants achieving a score of ≥27 on the CFARS were deemed competent to be TANDEM facilitators. Results73 individuals expressed an interest, of which 42 were interviewed and 34 invited to training. All trainees completed training with a mean score on the CFARS of 32.17 (range 21-41.5). One individual did not pass training and two required additional training sessions. Of those passing, 29 were ready to deliver the TANDEM intervention to study participants.ConclusionRespiratory professionals can be trained to deliver a CBA intervention with COPD patients. Rigour in the selection process is important in identifying individuals most likely to be successful and committed to training. The impact of facilitation will be evaluated in the TANDEM trial and explored through process evaluation. Implementation Science/Service Development Research Ideas on Respiratory Conditions and Tobacco Dependency Abstract Declaration of Interest Funding: National Institute for Health Research: HTA - 13/146/02 References and Clinical Trial Registry Information

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Dublin 2021
Liz Hamilton