Athens 2024: Friday recap

29 May 2024

Friday 10 May was the second day of our 12th World Conference in Athens - and with a full day of sessions, there's a lot to catch up on.

  • We opened with a sponsored symposium on Asthma Right Care messaging - with the best messages for policymakers scored by our judges!
  • This was followed by an Education plenary where we gave a broad overview of our strategy, activities and tools. Concurrently, delegates enjoyed a serties of presentations on devices and two conversations, where speakers had the opportunity to explain their new research and get feedback from delegates.
  • Later in the morning, we hosted sessions on behavioural science, monitoring and controls, and hot topics in primary care with GOLD and GINA updates and a presentation from Ioanna Tsiligianni on why disease-specific guidelines can fall short of primary care's needs. We also ran an innovative workshop: the 'Asthma (no) escape room'!
  • After lunch, delegates attended sessions on medication adherence as well as oral presentations on motivation and viral impacts on health. Delegates on our leadership track attended a workshop on overcoming resistance to change.
  • In the day's final set of parallel sessions, we covered diagnosis in primary care and the less-discussed issues of sleep disorders and lung cancer. Our late-breaking abstracts were spotlighted in an oral presentation session, and our workshop on managing breathlessness in primary care including cartoon rabbits, mindful breathing and a chair dancing session (we told you yesterday's sessions celebration wasn't the end of the dancing...).
  • We capped off the day with the exhibition of a wide range of research postrs, giving delegates a chance to teach and learn about the latest in respiratory primary care.

For on-the-ground updates from our 12th World Conference, check our social media channels below and the hashtag #IPCRGAthens2024 to see what the delegates themselves had to say.