From kickstart to full steam ahead for the #RightInhalerImage Campaign

05 May 2022
Clinical Research Results Abstract Research Idea Abstract Service Development & Evaluation Abstract AimTo improve information for patients, health professionals and the public about use of inhalers by promoting use of images representing inhalers being used appropriately.Outline of Context:Mainstream and medical media frequently portray inappropriate images of inhaler use, therefore re-enforcing poor health messages to people with asthma or other respiratory disease, and those not experienced in respiratory care.Inhalers deliver vital medicine to the airways of people with respiratory disease but can be complex to use. Incorrect use reduces delivery of medicine to the airways resulting in sub-optimal disease control. It is unrealistic to expect those who publish images of inhalers in the media to understand the intricacies of each device, the medicine delivered and correct usage. However, there are core messages that can help with image choice and send out accurate, clear information.Description of change/intervention including strategy for change/impactWe convened a large collaborative group of expert respiratory heath professionals from across the UK who united to address their concerns about media portrayal of inhalers. Devised simple campaign focussing (see Fig 1) on kickstarting conversations and role modelling desired behaviours, relating to 2 core messages:Images should portray:Correct device usage appropriate to the individual Preventer inhalers being usedWe produced a toolkit containing a range of resources raising awareness of the problem and offering alternative images for use in media publications and clinical teaching.Launched campaign across social media on World Asthma Day in May 2021. Over 70 health care professionals, patients and voluntary sector came together from 25 organisations.[1] There was wide engagement on social media including the World Health Organization (WHO), interested in raising global awareness. Additionally, articles were released in the press.[2,3]Next step was to continue raising awareness and engagement with a partner. Conversations with WHO and International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) led to them launching an image repository offering free downloadable images. We maintain collaboration and support of this important work. Lessons learnedChanging behaviour is complex and harder than you think, clinical champions are key,Message for othersPlease share #rightinhalerimage message widely More information: Declaration of Interest None known References and Clinical Trial Registry Information [1] including PCRS, NPRANG, AUK/ BLF, UK Inhaler Group, ARNS, RCN, RCGP, QNI, SAPHNA , IPCRG, BTS, RCPCH, NHSE &I.[2] Nelson S, (2021) Let’s improve media portrayal of inhalers Journal of Community Nursing June p12-13 [3] Guilmant-Farry, Nelson S (2021) Asthma’s image problem. Community Practitioner Vol 94:03 May/June 26-27

Resource information

Respiratory conditions
  • Asthma
Type of resource
  • Asthma Right Care
Malaga 2022
Sara Nelson, NHS England and Improvement