Process evaluation of the Dutch CoronaCheck app: an excellent example of citizen science

05 May 2022
Clinical Research Results Abstract Research Idea Abstract Service Development & Evaluation Abstract Background: The Dutch Ministry of Health developed and implemented the CoronaCheck app. With the app, citizens can show proof of "non-infectivity" when traveling within the EU and to gain access to e.g. restaurants or events. The study was carried out among citizens, companies and civil society organisations. The results of were used by the Ministry for optimization.Method: 42 interviews and 353 questionnaires were conducted in the general population, visitors to events, managers of test lanes and employees of society organisations. Field observations were performed at 3 events. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and thematically coded. Descriptive analyses were used for the questionnaires.Findings: 49% of the citizens see the added value and necessity of CoronaCheck yet 47% fear that CoronaCheck will lead to a divide in society. As the vaccination rate increases, doubts increase among respondents about the necessity of the app. The travelling distance to a testing location and the digital accessibility were bottlenecks. Companies had difficulties to find the right information. It turned out to be difficult to avoid fraud with QR codes. The interviews with civil society organisations showed that there is too little attention for low digital literate people. The output was used by the ministry to optimize the procedure. Conclusion: Citizens, companies and civil society organisations all find the concept CoronaCheck relevant. However, there are some points of interest: testing should be easily accessible, information about the control procedure and a telephone helpline should be available for organisers and the procedure should also be easily available in analogue form. Declaration of Interest This study was funded by the Dutch Ministry of Health References and Clinical Trial Registry Information

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Malaga 2022
Esther Metting, Data Science Center in Health, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen