Community Based Asthma Screenings & Telehealth to Reduce Health Inequities

05 May 2022
Clinical Research Results Abstract Research Idea Abstract Service Development & Evaluation Abstract Aim Trusted community messengers to meet the needs of underserved patients with respiratory illness, can reduce morbidity and mortality in minority populations. Brief outline of context: assessment of existing situation and analysis of its causes: How did you quantify the problem – if there was one? Did you involve others at this stage? How did you assess the causes of the situation?Minority populations bear a disproportionate burden of the morbidity, mortality, and prevalence of respiratory illness, including asthma, COPD, and COVID-19. Brief description of the change/intervention and why you thought it would workA 16-week tele-health coaching intervention (HCI) with remote monitoring and access to a free self-care app virtual education was used to improve engagement, compliance, and outcomes. Strategy for change: who, how, following what timetableAt trusted community events, adults aged 18 and over completed the AIRQ or CAPTURE tool, and those who scored 2 or more indicate higher risk of poor respiratory health and were invited to participate in the HCI. Of the 277 eligible, 26.4% (n=73) were enrolled in the HCI. Of the 73, 89.0% (n= 65) attended at least one session and 78% (n=57) downloaded the app. Participants engaged with the core tools over 14000 times and the medication and symptom tracker were used the most at 86.3 sessions per user. Lessons learnt Participant day-to-day differences were statistically significant (t(10)=-2.654, p<0.05). Statistical significant differences were seen in further analysis across 3 time points in the mean scores for fatigue and tiredness (F(2,24)=3.638, p<0.05), as well as the use of the rescue inhaler reduced 2.63 days (F(2, 24,=3.840, p<0.05). Messages for others All participants were more likely to engage in respiratory care if presented in their communities by people they trust.Combination of HCI and the app demonstrated directionally positive results.This program can be translated into different cultures and settings to improve respiratory outcomes. Declaration of Interest (including funding source)Corporate Social Responsibility Grant from Sanofi Declaration of Interest Declaration of Interest (including funding source)Corporate Social Responsibility Grant from Sanofi References and Clinical Trial Registry Information

Resource information

Respiratory conditions
  • Asthma
Type of resource
Malaga 2022
Tonya Winders, Global Allergy & Airways Patient Platform