GHRN Journal Club
Journal club schedule
In 2023 the GHRN journal club in 2023 is running a new programme, with a more educational focus. 6 journal club sessions are occuring and information and useful resources can be found below. Each session focuses on a different epidemiological study design (cross-sectional study, case-control study, cohort study, RCT, systematic review) with a presentation on the key features of the study design and how to critically appraise it, followed by a presentation of paper on relevant study design, followed by questions.
8th March 2023: For the first session, epidemiologist Dr Nynke Halbesma presented an overview of epidemiological study designs, followed by a discussion. The presentation can be viewed here:
23rd March 2023: Randomised Controlled Trials: Presentation on RCTs:
Suggested reading:
- As-needed budesonide–formoterol versus maintenance budesonide in mild asthma. Bateman ED et al. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1715275
- The SYGMA programme of phase 3 trials to evaluate the efficacy and safety of budesonide/formoterol given ‘as needed’ in mild asthma: study protocols for two randomised controlled trials O’Byrne et al. DOI 10.1186/s13063-016-1731-4
- The Randomized Controlled Trial: Vianda S et al, DOI: 10.1159/000237143
- Further watching explaining counterfactual:
2nd May 2023 Session 2: a) Cohort study paper presentation b) Cohort study overview
22nd June 2023 a) Cross sectional study paper presentation b) Cross sectional overview
19th September 2023: Session 5: Based on what group members want to do next
23rd November 2023: Session 6: Based on what group members want to do next