Ping Yein Lee
Professor Dr Ping Yein Lee is a Professor of Family Medicine and a Consultant Family Physician. She is currently an adjunct professor at the UMeHealth Unit at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya. She has a special interest in e-Learning and eHealth. She was one of the institution leaders of a project on the development of online reusable learning objects (RLOs) for medical curricula in collaboration with institutions from European Union countries and Malaysia. This project aims to use a pedagogical methodology of developing and repurposing RLOs to produce engaging, effective and diverse e-learning materials in the field of biomedical health science. She is also involved in a project on the development of virtual patients at the University of Malaya. This project aims to develop a case builder and a game platform for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students to experience virtual clinical consultation and practices. She was also involved in a few projects on the development of eHealth apps and websites on patients' decision aids and eliciting patients’ agendas for consultation and health apps for breast cancer screening and asthma self-management.
Her other research areas are on Chronic Diseases (Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma, Cardiovascular disease, Obesity etc), Shared decision-making, patient decision aids and patient center care. She is the founding institutional lead of the Asia Pacific Academic Primary Care Group Foundation. She was the formal treasurer and is currently a committee member of Malaysian Primary Care Research Group and Malaysian Clearinghouse for Men’s Health. She was also the formal Governance Board/Advisory Committee of National Diabetes Registry Malaysia. She is actively involved in the Academy of Family Physician Malaysia, and the Family Medicine Specialist Association. She is also the Chief Editor of the Malaysian Family Physician Journal and Associate Editor of BMC Endocrine Disorder Journal. She had published Patient’s decision aids on cancer treatment, and insulin initiation, and more than 150 journal papers and proceedings.