Asthma Right Care Updates
We have some new materials and updates on our Asthma Right Care social movement to share with you.
We have some new materials and updates on our Asthma Right Care social movement to share with you.
An article introducing Asthma Right Care to primary care nurses and suitable for everyone new to the movement has recently been published in the Journal of General Practice Nursing. It is available to view here (you may have to register but it is free).
Copies of the article in English and Spanish are available below.
We also had an e-poster accepted at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare Europe conference run by the BMJ and Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) that shows our theory of change and illustrates with examples. Whilst we continue to collect data showing impact - in particular a shift in the ratio of ICS:SABA, we are measuring impact in terms of how many communities we reach and how the movement is spreading.
A number of the Asthma Right Care Delivery Team met to discuss new ideas and priorities for Asthma Right Care and also to share experience on how to make the best use of social media. Here is a short animation that experiments with how we might get our messages across, and also our new ideas for priorities. If have an interest in asthma in infants or in pregnancy and wish to get involved please contact businessmanager [at] ipcrg [dot] org
As momentum builds on the social movement, and more colleagues have now progressed from "unconscious incompetence" to "conscious incompetence" the time is right to introduce educational programmes and events.
Most importantly we are building teaching capacity first, by progressing steadily with Teach the Teacher programmes in Latin America and also in South East Asia. For the first time, these cascaded programmes will be online for at least Tier 1 - the development of the curriculum with the IPCRG and country master faculties. These master faculties have been selected because they've been through the journey from unconscious competence through to mastery - that is, conscious competence about others' unconscious incompetence (see image).
Meanwhile, we continue to work with our South African colleagues from the Independent Community Pharmacist Association on evaluating our e-learning for community pharmacists. There remain many blocks in the system before independent community pharmacists have a well-defined and recognised place in the asthma pathway therefore we plan a pathway redesign workshop with all stakeholders in the autumn.
Relations with the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) to engage community and hospital pharmacists continue to develop as FIP has prioritised asthma in its programme of work with community pharmacists on non-communicable diseases. We have now run two webinars for pharmacists on Asthma Right Care: click here to access learning objectives and recordings:
Delivering Asthma Right Care for Community Pharmacists 5th July 2021
Delivering Asthma Right Care for Hospital Pharmacists on 15th July.
Click on these links to watch the recordings packed full of practical tips not just for pharmacists!