COVID-19 in Primary Care, Protecting the Most Vulnerable

3rd IPCRG Clinical Practice Webinars & Abstract Presentations
COVID-19 in Primary Care, Protecting the Most Vulnerable
Saturday 30 May 2020, 1000-1200hrs BST
The COVID-19 pandemic is testing the resilience of primary care and the populations we look after. COVID-19 is hitting vulnerable groups even harder as it exacerbates pre-existing vulnerabilities and creates new ones. Different countries are at different stages of their journey with COVID-19 and have used different systems & actions to identify and protect their most vulnerable.
Therefore, how we protect our most vulnerable in our population is the topic of the third in our series of IPCRG webinars. Giving a perspective from their countries, we are delighted to be joined by Hanna Sandelowsky from Sweden and Chunhua Chi from China.
This was followed by some of the top-ranking abstracts that would have been presented at our world conference in Dublin this week, giving researchers a truly international platform and opportunity for peer review.