Using TtT approaches to build the capacity of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Kyrgyzstan

05 May 2022
Clinical Research Results Abstract Research Idea Abstract Service Development & Evaluation Abstract Aim: Chronic respiratory diseases are a growing development and public health problem in Kyrgyzstan. This is not only high rates of morbidity and mortality, but also an economic burden. It is for this purpose that it is expedient to develop pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) as a low-cost and highly effective method. Considering that in Kyrgyzstan rather little attention is paid to both rehabilitation in general, and especially to PR, we need to build the capacity of PR and we can apply the (Teach the teachers) TtT model.Outline of context: In September 2021, the IPCRG organised a webinar school on TtT for the countries participating in the Global RECHARGE project, including Kyrgyzstan. From Kyrgyzstan, 3 national trainers were selected who will develop the capacity of PR using TtT approaches.Description of intervention including strategy for impact: Our national team of trainers conducts trips to remote regions of the country with lectures on PR and practical exercises, online classes, classes for clinical residents in family medicine, pulmonology and physiotherapy. In turn, they become trainers and train lower-level medical institutions (feldsher-obstetric points in small villages, groups of family doctors).Lessons learned: An official local training team of trainers was created, which began its activity first in Bishkek (the capital) and in nearby rural areas. Currently there are also 2 groups of trainers in the southern region of Kyrgyzstan. On the basis of the NCCIM, the Republican Centre of Pulmonology and Post-COVID Rehabilitation was created, which is aimed at providing rehabilitation assistance to respiratory patients. Finally, the PR service is consolidated by order of the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan, and the guidelines for the rehabilitation of post-COVID patients are also updated, which is also used as training material in our TtT teams.Message for others: Using TtT approaches, we are confident in their effectiveness, as it is a proven method, and we also bypass many of the financial costs that could be spent on larger and global training events and could provide Kyrgyzstan's still fragile rehabilitation service and the entire health care system with a strong and effective PR service, especially at the primary health care level, a high-quality educational background and strong coaching potential. Declaration of Interest There is no conflict of interestIPCRG TtT:The International Primary Care Respiratory Group is a Scottish Charity (SC 035056) and a Scottish Company Limited by guarantee (Scottish Company Number 256268). References and Clinical Trial Registry Information

Resource information

Respiratory topics
  • Rehabilitation
Type of resource
Malaga 2022
Azamat Akylbekov, National Centre of Cardiology and Internal Medicine named after academician M. Mirrakhimov - Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)