Activities for fragile Eldery COPD primary care patients

05 May 2022
Clinical Research Results Abstract Research Idea Abstract In the evolution of the elderly, it is at this time of life, where more chronic pathologies can appear and present and one of these diseases our environment is COPD. It is a disease that progresses and worsens depending on the morbidity and care of the patient himself.There is little evidence in effective treatments to stop this disease but in the literature pulmonary rehabilitation (RP) has been shown to be effective in improving patients' quality of life (1). Although in our country, it is easier in the hospital area to contact the respiratory rehabilitation than in the primary care. There should be more information and training on how to refer to PR.There is still a lack of training and on the other hand there is a lack of resources, given that nursing and physiotherapy professionals who specialize in COPD are needed. (2)Music therapy or music therapy (TM) is well known as a non-invasive intervention to improve psychological well-being and quality of life. The effect of music influences physical endurance, lung function, depression and / or anxiety and in conjunction with the quality of life of patients with this condition. (3) The research proposed in the area of ​​primary care can help to know the patients who develop the pathology COPD and perform a simple and easy intervention such as health education in the knowledge of the evolution of this pathology and its follow-up.In a second part, to be able to carry out an intervention in the physical activity, the pulmonary rehabilitation and the music therapy, thanks to which the patient can benefit and try to slow down the progression of the pathology, to avoid its complications and with all this set to avoid the advance of fragility and consequently decrease the mortality of the patient with COPD. Service Development & Evaluation Abstract Declaration of Interest No declaration of interest References and Clinical Trial Registry Information 1 M. Maddocks, S. Kon et al. Physical frailty and pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD: a prospective cohort study. Thorax 2016; 71:988-9952 Gómez A, Román M, Larraz C et al. Eficacia de la rehabilitación en paciente con EPOC moderada en atención primaria y mantenimiento de los beneficios a los 2 años. Aten Primaria. 2006;38(4):230-33 Canga B, Azoulay R, Raskin J, et al. AIR: Advances in Respiration Music therapy in the treatment of chronic pulmonary disease Respiratory Medicine 109 (2015) 1532-1539

Resource information

Respiratory conditions
  • COPD
Type of resource
Malaga 2022
Anna Maria Pedro Pijoan, Consorci Sanitari Integral