Feasibility of telemonitoring in chronic primary care patients: a mixed method study

01 May 2022
Aim: due to the ageing of the population and increasing number of patients in primary care suffers from chronic illness. Self-management is essential for good disease management and telemonitoring can improve self-management and reduce the workload of healthcare providers. Especially during this Covid crisis telemonitoring can be an effective tool to manage patients from a distance. The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of telemonitoring in primary care by evaluating an existing telemonitoring platform as case.Method: first interviews were taken with users of this platform (for GPs and 18 patients, 50% female, mean aids 63 years). Data was triangulated in 2 different questionnaires, one for patients using the platform (n=58) and non-users of the platform (n=19). The unified theory of acceptance and us of technology (UTAUT) was used as basis for the questions.Results: according to the healthcare providers this type of health care provision is promising and can lower the work pressure although the use can be time-consuming at the start. They hope that telemonitoring can lead to more efficient primary care where patients can get more control over their own disease: “what I'm really hoping that patients will gain more disease insight from that and maybe become more regulated or more engaged." Limitation of the system was that it cannot be integrated in the current primary care system. According to patients who use the platform the platform feel safe because the healthcare provider can see the data. Some patients think that communication with the GP improves whereas others do not: "On the one hand it is convenient. You don't have to go somewhere for every little thing. But on the other hand, of course, it shouldn't degenerate into you not having a conversation with anyone at all anymore, or with a doctor or with a doctor or a specialist." Most users were able to obtain the skills to use the platform. About 50% of the non-users is positive about telemonitoring. Conclusion: the GPs, patient users and patient non-users are in general positive regarding telemonitoring. It offers the opportunity to provide personalized remote care and monitor chronically ill patients, thereby reducing the pressure on the healthcare system. Despite the high age of the participants users hardly express technological difficulties. Implementation Science/Service Development Research Ideas on Respiratory Conditions and Tobacco Dependency Abstract Declaration of Interest This study was funded by the University of Groningen and Westerdkokters (primary care organisation) References and Clinical Trial Registry Information

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Dublin 2021
Esther Metting