Training needs assessment for data management and sharing in global respiratory health research

01 May 2022
Aim The scientific process is enhanced by high-quality research data management (RDM) and data sharing. Data should be available, accessible, discoverable, and usable to ensure maximum benefits to patients and the public, as well as the health research community. However, there are many challenges when working on projects spanning multiple countries of different economic statuses. We aimed to identify the training needs of partners involved in global respiratory health research.MethodA cross-sectional training needs survey for RDM was conducted with members of global respiratory health research projects who attended a series of three online workshops (27-29th January 2021) on the research data management journey.ResultsWe have received 19 responses to date (42% from South Asia, 26% from Europe and Central Asia, 16% from Sub-Saharan Africa, 58% with academic responsibilities and 42% directly involved in data management/monitoring). 79% of respondents reported their project databases were based in the UK and 47% of project databases were reported as being housed on REDCap. Most respondents (74%) reported access to training courses offered by UK partner and some specific funding for training in data management (63%). Less than half (42%) reported funding specifically for a database manager. The most commonly reported parts of the RDM journey respondents requested training for were data management planning (89%), policy (79%) and data analysis (79%), with training on data access (42%) the least requested (see Figure). There was some interest in joining a Data Management Working Group (48%).ConclusionDespite the importance of high-quality RDM, partners involved in global respiratory health research revealed that training is made available, mostly provided by UK institutes, but funding for local data management staff is lacking. We propose a working group for RDM in global health respiratory research to facilitate south-south capacity building and to develop best practices for RDM. Implementation Science/Service Development Research Ideas on Respiratory Conditions and Tobacco Dependency Abstract Declaration of Interest This research was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) (16/136/109, 17/63/20, and 17/63/76) using UK aid from the UK Government to support global health research. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the UK Department of Health and Social Care. References and Clinical Trial Registry Information

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Dublin 2021
Mark Orme