Impact of a city-wide children and young people’s asthma awareness campaign - #AskAboutAsthma (#AAA)

01 May 2022
Asthma is under-diagnosed and under-treated among children and young people (CYP) in London, leading to poorly controlled symptoms, reduced quality of life, school absence and potentially death.1. AimThe #AAA awareness campaign encourages simple measures by CYP with asthma and highlights asthma and air pollution more widely. #AAA is in its 4th year; an evaluation assesses its impact and determines lessons for future campaigns.2. Brief outline of contextThe following ‘3 asks’ are relatively easy to implement, yet will produce significant improvements:Written personalised asthma action plan (PAAP; patients four times less likely to attend hospital for asthma; 28-48% asthmatic CYP in London have one)Inhaler technique checks: fewer than ¾ of CYP use inhalers properly –less medication benefitAnnual asthma review ensures effective management, opportunity to review medication, update PAAP, check inhaler technique, promote measures that improve/protect lung health (eg. flu vaccination)3. The intervention and approachThe campaign runs during week 38 (annual peak in asthma admissions) and is aimed at professionals working across asthma, with targeted messaging for primary, secondary, tertiary care, pharmacy, schools, local authorities and London Ambulance Service. It draws in the voluntary sector, parents, carers and young people with asthma. Different approaches used for greatest impact:• Social media strategy • Direct communication with sectors• Direct support for local events and communications• Conference for professionals and commissioners • Innovative partnerships (Sweatcoin app-6.5million active users)• Different additional focus yearly (‘asthma pledges’,#OneThingLDN)• Local educational engagement events • Link to World Car Free Day Summit and Car Free Day 4. Strategy for changeCampaign part of larger programme of work aiming for existing asthma standards and ambitions to be met across London and no children dying from preventable asthma attacks. 5. Effects of changesSocial media analytics show significant increase in engagement with the #AAA campaign (table 1).Local data analysis indicates impact on CYP asthma care, Tower Hamlets has increase in PAAPs 40% to 75% between 2017 and 2019. In Islington asthma admissions have fallen by 20% over 3 years.6. Lessons learnt• Keep campaign short with clear, simple messages• Buy-in key 7. Message for othersSimple campaign with targeted messages can make a difference Research Ideas on Respiratory Conditions and Tobacco Dependency Abstract Declaration of Interest References and Clinical Trial Registry Information

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Dublin 2021
Georgie Herskovits