30s Thirty Second Asthma Test
Standout Feature:
Takes 30 seconds to complete; research supports the use of this Test as a brief screening tool for asthma control
Key Elements:
- 6 items (not including lung function test); each with Y/N responses; if patient answers yes to ≥ 1 item, poor control is considered
- Can be used with or without airway function testing to evaluate control
- Assess control over different periods for various items
- Based on, used and recommended by the Canada’s Asthma Guidelines for 5 years
- Children’s version is available in both English and Canadian French
Potential Limitations:
- Not validated
- Limited information; it was included in the original 2007 IPCRG Asthma User’s Guide, but not observed in the research literature since
Resource information
- Asthma
- Diagnosis
- Asthma Right Care
- Asthma
- Diagnosis
- Clinical Education
- Patient Education