Athens 2024: Saturday recap

29 May 2024

Saturday - the closing day of our 12th World Conference and a day to remember!

  • First, the Senate met at the Annual General Meeting to confirm Amanda Barnard as our new President and approve some new members to the IPCRG network - click here for more information.
  • Our first sessions were dedicated to research - outlining IPCRG's research strategies, new research on digital health tools and the impact of cultural perceptions on healthcare. In a parallel workshop, we featured success stories from our Asthma Right Care social movement.
  • Following this, we hosted parallel sessions on managing respiratory conditions and the healthcare response - a collegiate panel discussion on allergic rhinitis ans asthma with ARIA and MASK (projectsupport [at] ipcrg [dot] org (subject: IPCRG-ARIA%20pocket%20guide%20working%20group) (let us know) if you would like to be involved in the production of an IPCRG-ARIA pocket guide), a series of oral presentations on managing healthcare responses in respiratory care, a conversation cafe on managing living with ill health and perspectives on inhaled medicines and a workshop on post-COVID PR.
  • Delegates then enjoyed sessions on cough and our final oral presentations - on asthma control and COPD management. Our final workshop was facilitated by Mayara Floss and Despo Ierodiakonou, focusing on integrating sustainability into your practice - ending with the planting of two trees and a moment of togetherness.
  • Bringing the conference to a close, we announced our winning abstracts (congratulations to Ramya Kottapalli and Sathia Kanawathy) and CEO Siân Williams reflected on the three days shared by our global movement.

For on-the-ground updates from our 12th World Conference, check our social media channels below and the hashtag #IPCRGAthens2024 to see what the delegates themselves had to say.



