iQ&A practice driven answers now available in Spanish and Portuguese
A selection of translated Spanish and Portuguese answers to your questions around COVID are now available. There are 19 answers in Spanish and 3 answers in Portuguese. You can find these on our resources page; under 'type' select 'IPCRG COVID-19 and respiratory Q&A and then under 'Languages' select 'Portuguese' or 'Spanish'.
You can also use this search function to look for our resources in these languages and others. Select only the languages you want and search, or make your search more specific by choosing other filters such as ‘type’.
Our library of iQ&A answers continues to expand, with 43 English language answers to your questions. We hope you and your colleagues are able to take advantage of this resource. The latest answer is ‘Does spirometry really pick up all the people with COPD and should we keep using LLN given issues around this measurement?'.
In addition, we encourage you to nominate colleagues to join the IPCRG Sentinel Network, which provides us with very brief information on what is happening on the ground in primary care and asks questions to be answered by the iQ&A service. If you are interested in joining please complete the short form here.