IPCRG 2020: COVID-19 and respiratory health IPCRG Webinars

Weekly series of Clinical Practice Webinars with Dublin 2020 Abstract Presentations

The current COVID-19 pandemic is the greatest public health challenge of our time and has significant implications for primary care. IPCRG wants to support our global primary care respiratory community and provide resources that will help you understand and manage this crisis. We plan to do this virtually by launching a weekly series of clinical practice webinars and abstract presentations running for 8 weeks, starting on Saturday May 16, 2020.

These virtual clinical practice webinars are open to both the primary care respiratory academic community and all respiratory interested primary care healthcare professionals. They give us the opportunity to discuss and debate current COVID-19 challenges for primary care globally. These virtual sessions also offer a platform to the authors who successfully submitted abstracts for the postponed IPCRG 10th world conference due to take place in Dublin in May 2020, enabling them to share their work with the wider international respiratory community.

When: Saturday May 16 – Saturday July 4, 2020. Times listed below.

Participation: Open to all respiratory interested healthcare professionals, in any part of the world.

Access recordings and slides here

16 May 2020, 1200hrs – 1400hrs: COVID-19 in Primary Care: Supporting those Suffering and Recovering, 1) A GP’s Perspective: Dr Steve Holmes, UK 2) A Rehabilitation Expert’s Perspective: 1. Matthieu Bremond, France

23 May 2020, 1000hrs – 1200hrs: COVID-19 in Primary Care, Supporting People’s Mental Health, 1) The Patients Perspective: Dr Lindsay Ip, UK 2) Caring for your Workforce, Prof Jaime Correia de Sousa, Portugal

30 May 2020, 1000hrs – 1200hrs: COVID-19 in Primary Care, Protecting the Most Vulnerable, Dr Hanna Sandelowsky, Sweden & Professor Chunhua Chi, China

6 June 2020, 1200hrs – 1400hrs: COVID-19 & the Primary Care Management of Asthma, Dr Dermot Nolan, Ireland & Dr Alan Kaplan, Canada

13 June 2020, 1500hrs – 1700hrs: COVID-19 & the Challenges of Diagnosing Asthma in Primary Care, 1) In Adults, Dr Luke Daines & 2) In Children, Prof Jim Stout

20 June 2020, 1000hrs – 1200hrs: COVID-19 & the Management of COPD in Primary Care, Dr Vince Mak, UK & Prof Hilary Pinnock, UK

27 June 2020, 1200hrs – 1400hrs: The Impact of Nicotine & Smoking in COVID-19 and Chronic Respiratory Diseases (Asthma & COPD), Dr Noel Baxter, UK & Darush Attar-Zadeh, UK

4 July 2020, 1500hrs – 1700hrs: COVID-19 & the Importance of Public Education in Primary Care, Dr Sundeep Salvi, India & Dr Javiera Corbalán, Chile 

28 November 2020, 1200hrs - 1410hrs: Confidence in Asthma Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic


Each keynote was followed by 6 oral abstract presentations.